hello everybody and welcome to we are marvel the podcast to listen to if you like the marvel cinematic universe and we are your hosts my name is justin my name is jeremy and welcome to the show yeah thanks for joining us we appreciate it i’m glad to be back it’s been like five seconds since our last episode recorded so it’s good to be back in the chair you’re giving all the secrets away look behind the curtain they didn’t know that but they couldn’t i thought we got together again and they’re like oh these guys every week they just can’t stay apart uh this is another one of our uh topic episodes we’re not talking a specific movie that’ll be the next episode which will be jeremy’s pick but we’ll get to that at the end i’m jeremy hey yeah we’ll get to that yeah uh but this week we are covering our top 10 favorite casting decisions that the marvel cinematic universe has made and uh this is the whole shebang this is phase one two three and a little bit of netflix and tv in there too oh i did not know we were including netflix and tv uh that might have changed my life i i you it’s my marvel cinematic universe i did it too which is why i have an honorable mention now okay that’s fair okay maybe no that works perfectly because then we’ll do another episode where we do non-movie in the universe we could yeah because yeah my list would have definitely had i know one person for sure would have made this list and he was going to i was like oh wait that that wasn’t he wasn’t in the movie i think it’s the same person that just got added to my list so [Music] uh but we’ll see when we get there i think so yeah yeah i’ll let you know uh it’s a top it’s a top ten we did this in uh order so this is actually ranked it’s not just a random list this is favorites you know least favorite of the favorites to our favorite of the favorites if that makes sense and for those of you that don’t know i hate doing ranked because like today this is my rankings but next week it could change that’s why i hate doing it it’s just too yeah i’m seeing stuff but i’m going god i could have put that up higher that could have been up here yeah you see and you know why it’s changed because you did your list three years ago whenever you said you did yeah when we first started talking it happens yeah we might come back in a year and do it again and just see if they’ve changed at all that’s tempting okay maybe we’ll see yeah all right but for now we’re going to start off are we going to start with honorable mentions are we going to start with our top 10 no uh we’ll we’ll go with 10 here i think is what we will we shall do i’m fixing something that i’m uh noticing he’s changing his order you can’t do this it’s cheating all right so what is your number 10. my number 10 is mr bradley cooper as rocket raccoon all right he’s not on my list i i never would have seen it coming that was a weird sentence um all right it when they announced it i was like really and it was a character that i didn’t know about really at all i had seen him in uh avengers uh earth’s mightiest heroes they’re in an episode of that where he’s like scottish or british and so i was like oh that’s weird but he’s perfect that he’s a raccoon but well i mean you have to buy into it he’s a raccoon but the dialect was so different i was like bradley cooper is going to beat this guy that’s interesting that’s so great he is yeah and still even sometimes i try and like picture bradley cooper but the voice is just slightly off i think i think that’s what sells it for me is that he’s yeah truly like a voice over actor and that he can kind of change his pitch and tone to the point where if you didn’t tell me that was bradley cooper i would have no idea that’s who that was yeah none even sometimes i think it’s like i don’t think it’s bradley cooper they’re just saying it isn’t he’s collecting a check yeah yeah and i’m sure he’s very happy to do so yeah absolutely i mean they’re doing pretty well i don’t know if anyone’s heard well i mean he watched the movies i mean as much as i love peter and everyone else yeah rocket is that team i think it’s the reason why i’m glad he was an end game out of you know everybody else because he just he has that depth i guess which is strange for yeah a a character that’s a raccoon to have and but he does he he has a lot of emotion to his to his character and he comes off as just this i hate everyone kind of character but deep down he he needs to be loved and he bradley cooper does a great job with showing that so all right i’ll allow it thank you sir you’re number 10. my number 10 is uh clark gregg oh not on my list that’s okay you’re wrong that’s all right yeah we kind of mentioned him last episode i’m sure you guys if you listen to you you know you mentioned clark greg and he’s on this list because of kind of how he is in all these movies he came in as just he was going to be this small character in iron man and just his charisma and and i the way he kind of reacted with the other cast showed that he’s he’s a powerhouse actor well i mean i don’t know if he’s be that great in something else i don’t know if i’ve seen him in anything else but for this is his role like when i see him and when i think of him i think coulson yeah and he does a great job of it he’s got almost he’s got a face that you’ll remember but it’s almost like a an everybody face which would be helpful yeah yes exactly and it just makes it as he doesn’t come off as this meat head or um like a scroungy kind of guy or anything he just comes off as a just a normal looking person oh by the way i’m part of the secret asian division called shield yeah you’ve never heard of it it’s i think he does a great job and he owns that character in my opinion definitely i mean the only thing i had seen him in uh was the new adventures of old christine which was a julia julia louie dreyfus show back in the day and yeah he does he has that face where it’s like he could be that faceless agent in the background but he’s charismatic enough that he’s in the foreground and can screw with tony and you love him for it yeah yeah he does great uh my number nine which i mean any of these i think could probably be number one but uh mr tom hiddleston as loki yeah on my list but higher further up yes yeah it’s just fantastic i don’t blame you for having them higher up and i think less so than the trailers like this one doesn’t really have a wrong answer because they’re all so good oh yeah and [Music] you know i mean loki’s always been an important character in the marvel universe but he’s getting his own show he’s that guy like exactly people love him so much that they went well let’s take this quick cameo in end game and turn it into a series that already has a season two renewal geez like yeah and for me it’s like that’s not surprising yeah no he i’m happy for it he deserves definitely i can’t wait yeah one that’s it’s one of the things that i love they marvel followed what i call the superman formula which is they chose lesser name hero actors and filled the cast with big name stars you had a chris reeves for superman but you had brando you had hackman you had marco kidder i mean you had these huge names surrounding him and they did that so much with marvel that it allowed them the hero characters and actors to become those characters so when i think of hemsworth i think of thor when i think of evans i think of cap right and and hiddleston’s another one of those where it’s like i don’t think of tom hiddleston he’s loki but he’s also in something else right yeah i i think that’s kind of also how i kind of based my list off of was when i think of this actor do i think of the actor or the character he plays or she you never know or she yes i don’t think i have any she’s i kind of feel bad for that but i don’t think i have an honorable mention she oh there you go so i’ll count it all right my number nine this is a little sneaky uh jk simmons it counts you’re trying to figure it out yeah it counts okay it’s still part of the movie i can’t argue i know because i was i wanted a list a marvel character i mean i saw it and i’m like ah he’s i mean he’s perfect he’s yeah you see what i think of when i think of joe changing joe jay jones jonathan james and there it is i’m the one with the one but i thought yeah i can’t do that and i remembered wait i can it counts because for those that might not know it was the stinger middle mid credits and credits of uh spider-man far from home far from home that’s the one yes um and and yeah he he’s at the very end and he’s back as jay jonah jameson so i’m counting it because when i do i guess this is kind of a reverse one is when i think of joe janet jade jameson why do i why did i picture john jacob when i think of him i think of jk simmons yeah he’s probably not the other way around because oddly enough when i think of jk simmons i think of um the movie with the drumming oh whiplash whiplash yeah i haven’t seen for some reason that’s where my mind goes you haven’t seen that one no it looks good but i never watched it i don’t like miles well all right i i’m okay with them so i don’t know if i can say or watch it anyways he’s fine i think he does a great job in it sure um i think jk simmons elevates him yeah so it’s kind of a shot here you have some free time fair enough yeah he is he’s perfect i mean bald or not uh yeah it was the biggest surprise well one of the biggest surprises of that movie that they were able to get simmons back as jameson and if they don’t have him in spider-man 3 somehow then it’s just a waste because he’s yeah he’s jameson he’s perfect yeah exactly uh my eight uh following the same line there is mr tom holland our spider-man very nice he’s perfect yes i i feel like i’ve said this more times than i can count but i haven’t said it on this show toby mcguire was a great peter parker andrew garfield was a great spider-man yes tom holland is great at both absolutely agree yeah he he does everything i hoped he would do and more and from the second i saw him in civil war i went yes that that’s him i did the same with another person lower down on my list or higher up on my list i should say i think yes it should be higher um yeah he’s just again you know you close your eyes think of spider-man it’s tom holland no and yeah can’t wait to see what they do with him in three and hopefully beyond because he’s just perfect yeah he’s great at that role awesome uh my number eight is michael b jordan um yes based on that there’s a killmonger poster he got there in the background yes yeah i think i mentioned him in in their ironman episode also how he’s one of my favorite villains um but i i i loved him in black panther like he was just he i think he stole the show in my opinion i think that’s not a thing that people other people agree with which i’ve realized true but i’m okay with that i think he did great i i i just i think he did a fantastic job he made the character the the villain like cool and someone that you almost slightly rooted for which is a you’ve said this in our in our other podcast is a great thing about villains is when when you can root for the villain and that makes them a good villain yeah not just someone that i just want to see the world burn just because i’m a bad guy that’s not a good villain but them having a good reason and behind it is is a i think that’s great and i just yeah i’m a big fan of him so he had to make my list that’s right um and he’s only this far down because so many others are just perfect for the roles that they’re in i mean not to you know steal too much thunder here but to quote the late great stan lee said that you know the best villains are not black and white they’re gray you know they’re they’re characters that you care about and you see their point of view and you go okay i i see where they’re going up to this certain point and then as they start to you know veer off into the bad side it’s like okay now i see where the decision is made yeah that i wouldn’t make but they did and that that’s what makes them a villain yeah well said um [Music] i’m torn with my six and five i feel like they could kind of interchange but uh wait you’re right you’re on seven though i’m on seven i think sorry i screwed that up and went yeah yeah i am on seven sorry i changed i moved someone that was at nine up a lot and it screwed up my seven and six could interchange sorry about that my number seven is mr paul bettany as vision yeah well okay so not as jarvis as jarvis you just hated him yes obviously obviously all right fair enough uh i mean you know he’s great as jarvis and he was a lot of fun but you know he recorded his lines for 20 minutes and that was you know the end of his his year but you know to again quote joss whedon he was perfect you know if you’re going to do another avengers movie you do ultron so that ultron can create vision and then you have them put jarvis in division because only paul bentley could be fisher i mean he’s fantastic yeah oh yeah i mean we’re seeing that even more so now in one division um but he just vision was always one of my favorites growing up uh they had a cartoon avengers earth midas heroes in the 90s and he and falcon were my favorite characters of that show because there was no cap iron man or thor right um so i mean they were kind of the stars cool part of the show for me and he just he is vision in every way the look of him is perfect the voice is fantastic and that that first speech that he gives once he is for lack of a better word born and talking about whether he’s evil or not and you know it’s just it sums up the characters so perfectly nice all right i like it uh my number seven is a benedict cumberbatch cummerbuck i don’t ever know i say him obviously i just said that’s the one um and again my behind my reasoning behind this is when i think of benedict and he’s played other great roles so yeah i i could think of sherlock and i somewhat do yeah um or smaller how small was the other one but i i think of doctor strange and i i think he does an a great job of i don’t and i don’t know why i don’t remember reading any comics with doctor strange but just he i feel like he has the perfect look for him just this um cocky surgeon that is is no longer the the top dog that he used to be and it’s is he still who he’s he is who i think of when i think of doctor strange now yeah and he’s a great actor i mean he he really is whatever he plays he does a great job yeah i remember when they were throwing around names for doctor strange and like walking phoenix was in the mix and some others i don’t even remember anymore and when i heard his it was like yeah that that is how it should be i hope that joaquin turns it down because i want benedict cumberbatch surprisingly not at my list but i wish he was now okay um yeah mentioning walking phoenix i he i think he was gonna play another character maybe loki but he only wanted to do one movie and that kind of explains yeah i mean that explains why he did uh the joker because it’s just the one and done yeah but unless i do a joke or two well he won’t be in it apparently he might be but um all right your number six that might have been a number 12 could have been a five or something uh my six is mr chadwick boseman hmm the the late great t’challa he’s how is he not on my list i’m an idiot no arguments here not just for those great it was one of those things that uh you know they announced him for civil wars in the trailers the first time he spoke in the un meeting i went that’s black panther that’s all like one line of dialogue his his accent dialect however you want to say it was so perfect in his presence and look i was like that is black panther and i wish he had stayed around with us longer because i was really hoping he’d be get one more solo movie at least um and i’m glad they’re not recasting because there’s just there’s no one else no yeah he was black panther he will always be a black panther yeah and and yeah like you said i’m glad that i requested because whoever they brought in i don’t know maybe you know might we’d get used to him yeah but i’d still always think chadwick boseman is black panther and he should always be one yeah yeah so all right yeah i don’t know how he’s not on my list you can do something right there’s still time yeah i was just saying my number six is chadwick boxer sorry number six you’re now an honorable mention uh no but my actually my number six is chris hemsworth and and as i mentioned last episode he’s he’s turned into i think he’s turned into my favorite character they really did something cool with him starting in random rock yes that’s exactly when the change happened it they they gave him more than just oh my god i’m that’s it yeah he he there’s a backstory to him now there’s more to him there’s layers to him now and that that’s one of the things i love about it and and they’d stop dyeing his hair or his eyebrows blonde which helps he gave him the haircut and he just looks like a badass now yeah and when he shows up he shows up in badass form well that he’s funny like as an actor as a person he’s funny and they allowed thor to be funny yeah there’s nothing wrong with that well that’s it’s one of the things that i think helped chris evans so much as cap is that there’s this man out of time element with cap that they use so perfectly to make him not necessarily dumb but naive i guess yeah naive yeah and so when he’s introduced to things of now it’s like oh that’s interesting that’s weird and he just kind of rolls with it and that’s same with thor he’s from a different world yeah and so he calls rocket rabbit and he you know calls groot tree and it it should be doofy but it’s perfect for thor it is you’re right yeah it doesn’t come off as ah thor is just a big dummy maybe i mean maybe he he could come off that way to some but to me no it’s just i thor he’s he’s goofy he’s silly he doesn’t know any better it’s just what he you know assimilates to yeah he thinks he’s right and so that’s why he goes with it yeah and his relationship with cap it didn’t occur to me until after an end game and it was kind of pointed out through pinterest and stuff but his relationship with cap throughout all the avengers this is is so interesting really yeah you have to point it out to us then yeah well i mean it’s in every single avengers movie there is a moment if not more than one where they team up to help each other to work together to fight together and there’s just this sort of camaraderie between them that works in the first avengers they’re the two fighting together on the street you know what are you getting sleepy and you know all that and yeah age of ultron there’s the scene on the bridge and then um even before that in the beginning when they’re on uh sokovia he thor strikes the shield to create that sonic boom that takes out all those hydra soldiers right yeah uh in infinity war obviously there’s the you copied my beard and then an end game and then you know cap wields mjolnir yeah and and thor is i mean he truly looks excited when he’s like i knew it yeah like yes about time that you figured it out because i knew it the whole time yeah like almost like you’re so proud of them yeah and that’s after that age of ultron bit where they’re all trying to lift the hammer and cap’s the one who budges it yeah yeah which is a cool scene yeah and i’m glad it that’s exactly where my mind went as soon as he wheeled it was he made it budge so he was worthy and is worthy yeah yeah very cool all right you’re number five what do you got uh the man himself josh barolan has thanos i also have him at number five that’s a first yeah with as many characters and actors that’s impressive yeah that’s happening at the same spot that’s pretty good yeah this is even more impressive than if we had had similar trailers yeah well i i like him as cable but i love him as thanos oh yeah and he’s he first showed up in the first guardians and [Music] that’s my favorite scene of that movie yeah like he just it’s great he steals the show and i mean obviously the look is perfect i remember someone when i went to see infinity war with them asked if it was a person in makeup or thought that it was a person in makeup because it looked so real and his voice especially that opening kind of monologue in infinity war it’s just doom incarnate yeah sure he’s got to destroy the avengers yeah he’s got a great voice and i mean that that is the the most of of thanos but it’s also some of his mannerisms because they do mocap so some of those mannerisms it’s just it’s they’re so spot on and yeah josh brolin just the voice in in his inflections and stuff it’s perfect yeah like it like it really is this this guy that has been through so much and is just tired of of no one believing him and being on his side and having to fight so many people and just like it’s it’s time i’m josh brolin boys it’s so good yeah well that’s i mean the the thanos from the comics is so crazy i mean he’s called the mad titan for a reason and they really embrace that in the comics and the cartoons like the silver surfer cartoon i won’t go into it but i mean he’s he’s crazy and there’s this i don’t know again again i guess there’s a depth to the character that isn’t there i think in the comics that josh brolin’s voice lends to even more yeah it does it he kind of has that like i’m tired voice almost like he’s because he’s been through so much and he’s fought so much and he just i’m tired of it and it’s time to show you i’m right i really hope he’s in eternals because his i’ll take it his dad is an eternal okay and he you know i don’t know the whole history but he is you know related to the eternals in some way that’d be awesome well since we had the same number five it’s time for my number four which is i’m rhyming again with four and thor mr chris hemsworth i didn’t plan it it just happened yeah sure no yeah yeah uh he’s great i mean you know you talked about it at length earlier the only thing i had seen him in before this was star trek oh yes that’s right he’s very briefly picard’s dad in the uh the jejabram star trek movie and again it just he’s thor there’s no i if anyone else tried to play thor i wouldn’t have it because he is [ __ ] yeah and again after ragnarok everything changed i mean i don’t hate thor the dark world but it is probably the movie i like the least in the mcu it’s the one i would watch the least it’s a very nice way to say it and the right way to say it oh it’s not terrible it was actually done by marcus and mcfeely were the writers and they did all the caps and they did end game and infinity war oh yes i mean it’s got a great it’s got some great bones there but and i think it’s one of the things i like about marvel so much is that they realize their mistakes and they go back and fix them and make them more relevant so having an end game thor have to go back to talk to his mom who died in thor the dark world it makes you want to watch thor the dark world because that’s where that happened yes yeah kind of i mean i yeah maybe not as much but i can see how you got there yeah again it’s the lesser of the movies obviously yeah but you know out of 23 movies something has to be at the bottom of the rung yeah something has to be 23. but why not thor thor two let’s be let’s be clear thor one is good right right oh yeah yeah sorry sorry uh but yeah i’m so glad that they broke him out of his shell and gave him more to do in three and infinity war and in game and that he’s getting a fourth movie which is the first for anyone in the mcu other than avengers yeah so it’s insane yeah yeah i i i totally agree that they i’m glad that they let him break out and and and learn these the powers that he’s had all along but now he knows how to wield them yeah he’s awesome all right my number four which is probably your number one as always chris evans not quiet okay fair enough believe it or not close we might have yeah okay i’m wondering if we might have the same number one then um see my number four is chris evans captain america um now him i guess when i when i picture him i do picture other stuff because he’s been in other other movies that are really great like snow piercer and um knives out yeah so good it really is yeah but still when i when i think of captain america i think of chris evans i i i i mean and looking at him behind you i can see one of his posters and he’s just he’s built he’s built perfectly for it and like like i mentioned in the trailer episode last episode it’s it’s it was awesome the way they transformed him and i know it wasn’t his body but it still looked like it was because they did a great job of um of cgi and editing and all that um but he’s he is captain america like i i i couldn’t imagine anyone else playing him i i might even get upset if they tried to cast someone else like why yeah just figure out another way to just kill him off pay chris whatever he wants wait until he wants to come back i don’t care yeah there isn’t someone else he is captain america well that’s what’s so great i mean he’s even in his personal life like he just has that wholesome attitude you know he just he seems like the nicest guy on the planet i wish i’d gotten a chance to meet him and hopefully one day i will but yeah yeah he’s just fantastic what i think is nice and i’ll go further in when i we hit him on my list but i’m glad that they’re allowing the steve rogers to grow old and retire and the mantle of cap is going to be given to sam there’s a little question of what was a book you’re saying it’s sam i mean let’s be real here but yeah it’s i’m glad that it’s one of those titles that can be passed on so it’s not like oh someone else is going to be steve rogers captain america it’s sam wilson as cap all right that’s fair i don’t know he’s still always going to be captain america yeah but there’d just be another one i guess yeah also uh my number three which is the one that i moved from way up top on the list because he’s just so great and i was so excited when they announced him as james spader as ultron oh okay hey you do like james spade i remember that we’ve talked about this before yeah um i mean from boston legal and all that fun stuff do you ever watch blacklist i know yes okay i’m not up to date but yeah i’ve watched anything and it’s it’s so good after episode or season 32 or whatever they wrong they had to take a break that’s fair it’s like how long is this last good well i mean it’s you know going back to joss whedon i can’t even remember if i talked about in this episode or the last episode but you know it’s only fitting for them to do ultron in the second avengers and as soon as they announced it with spader i went that’s perfect he has that voice that tone that just slow sinister calculating kind of voice that sells ultron oh yeah i still i remember the trailer with him coming out the um i don’t remember the line but the strings these strings won’t control me i don’t know what it is but yeah yeah it’s just yeah he’s got that voice it’s it’s menacing and like if i i think he seems like he’s a nice person but if i didn’t know he was a nice person i would think this guy’s just pure evil like that voice is just it’s it’s from hell well that’s i mean when i first saw the age of ultron movie i was like okay i wish they hadn’t given him so much emotion because the ultron in the comics and the cartoons is very you know monotone very sterile computer but the more i watch age of ultron the more i love it and just his like you know when he forgets the word for children it’s such a sinister creepy but funny moment and and his voice is just perfect for it it is that’s a great voice do you like the eyebrows i don’t love the eyebrows why why you guys mentally with eyebrows i think what bothers me more is the mouth moving okay the eyebrows it’s like okay that could be a separate piece that like you know an animatronic bear at disney world you know the eyebrows would move but the mouth bending still bugs me sometimes all right fair enough but i’ll get over it for james bader all right uh my number three yeah now we’re at all right um tom hiddleston yeah so yeah he’s he’s a bit higher in my list which i i mean like you’ve mentioned before there’s there’s no wrong spot on these lists um but he is he’s he’s so good at loki and like what other villain would die and people are like as sad as people were yeah none and die more than once yeah that’s true yeah because yeah he’s he just he plays that character so well like just and i i know it could have been anyone but the greasy hair when we first see him it’s just it’s okay you’re just this snake i guess it’s kind of kind of pops in my head and and then to kind of become this it’s almost lovable villain like yeah it’s loki he’s a jerk and he does dumb things but he’s lucky yeah like there’s a charm about tom hiddleston that is just so great for loki and i mean in the comics and cartoons he’s just a dick all the time but there’s this kind of crestfallen hero to villain thing that they did with him that works so well yeah it really does because i mean yeah i mean he was trying to take over the earth and we’re all okay with him now and that’s that’s tom hiddleston i think yeah probably some writing but it’s that that charm that he has and everyone’s just going ah all right i forgive you you didn’t mean it we know there’s just something about tom hiddleston yeah so he’s great i mean he’s he is lucky uh number two already we’re speeding through these a lot faster than i thought we would well yeah that’s all right that’s fine uh my number two is the man himself mr chris evans yeah okay i think we have the same number one i don’t think so i changed my number one at the last second here okay my number one is now my honorable mention oh jeez what your list is so confusing now you know it’s i mean he was the human torch he was uh in not another teen movie and that’s all i had seen him in really like about these things and i was just like this guy but then i saw him have you ever watched the movie the losers yeah yeah that came out around the time that he was announced and i was like okay this guy has potential he can do more than just be a doof and be the human torch he has some range yeah and he’s just perfect i mean there is he captures that wholesomeness that a superman s character needs but has an edge to him that when he turns in winter soldier and infinity war in civil war you buy it he has that moral compass that you can see him just doing what he believes is right all the time yeah and if you haven’t seen knives out or he’s in another movie called the iceman i think is what it’s called it has michael shannon and chris evans is like this pedophile serial killer who drives around in an ice cream truck he’s only in it for a little bit but he’s just so great he has long shaggy gross hair and a beard and stuff and like i don’t think i’ve ever heard of this one yeah it’s a weird indie movie but he is so good in it that it’s just if nothing else watch knives out if you want to see just how good he can be but yeah he’s i sort of recently watched him in a tv series uh called defending jacob he was he was great in it so much range in that yeah i have to go back and watch losers again yeah i mean it just i haven’t watched losers on forever but he just he has this wholesomeness but an edge and that’s something that cap needs to be able to be cap and he just pulls it off perfect he does yeah all right my number two uh tom holland and and it’s it’s for the the reasons that you mentioned earlier is that he’s just he’s perfect in in both roles for that because there are two roles for that it’s and then like you said there’s a spider-man role and there’s a peter parker role and he’s great in both and he looks like he is this high school kid that is just trying to get by in school and he’s and he’s spider-man and i love the way they not really did a whole origin story but i guess kind of did it’s i mean i guess it is an origin story but it doesn’t feel like it well let’s we’re go ahead and the other reason i’m saying that is because we get to see him not really knowing how to use these powers and and and then towards and slowly learning more and more and towards the end he knows how and that’s i guess that’s really how i picture it as an origin but yeah he’s i mean he is the spider-man that that we’ve been waiting for i feel and i think it is great well that’s what’s interesting i’m really happy because we have yet to see uncle ben he has even not even been name dropped he’s just been kind of referenced a little bit yeah he’s been mentioned the name ben has well yeah they get they the bp was on his uh suitcase and far from i think there’s yeah i want to say they that he mentioned something with you know how ama well since ben or something like that i want to say they mentioned something with aunt may and since ben i don’t think they say ben really yeah but i guess we’ll go back and watch i guess so well what sold me was that opening a speech that he gives in civil war when he says to tony when you i’m going to screw up the phrasing of it exactly but it’s you know when you have the power to save the day but you don’t and then the bad things happen it happened because of you huh yeah and i’m getting chills just thinking about that line and i said it wrong but that is the perfect way of saying with great power comes great responsibility without having to say that line yeah that’s true and from that moment he’s nice because that that is the spider-man line yeah you know everyone if you if you say say a line from spider-man that will be the line most people will pick if they’re smart enough bastards jeez wow that was a quick turn i’m uh all right number one i’m torn on my number one because we’ve stuck uh the way we have for so long i’m tempted to make my number one my honorable mention i think that’s what i’ll do since it was such a lasting i thought you already did do that are you now doing it officially i’m doing it are you switching it back i’m switching it back my number one was my number one but then i thought of my what my current number one is and i went oh that’s i like that one a lot too uh so this could be where we uh match up again mr robert downey jr yes i don’t know if we’ve been matched up the whole time or you switched it we’ve confused me and everyone yes we okay we are now both on the same page that our number one yeah is robert downey jr yeah yeah and and and that might be because he started this whole thing yeah and and again it’s when i think of iron man i think of robert downey jr and vice versa yes and the whole the similar story of of uh robert downey jr going through the whole drug thing and and starting from pretty much starting over from nothing and rising up to where he is now with iron man getting shot up and all that and and having nothing stuck in this cave to being now to where he is it’s it’s they’re the same person they are like robert downey jr could be tony stark in real life and i feel like yeah i believe that yeah it really is and that’s it’s one thing that kind of makes me almost not want to put him at number one because it’s like he’s just being himself okay but it was such a at the time and that’s something i think i talked about this in the iron man episode but people kind of take for granted the fact that robert downey jr is a huge name now back in 2008 2007 when he was cast and shooting that was not the case right you know he had fallen from grace he was you know he did a scanner darkly with keanu reeves and you know a few things here and there but he was not in stuff because of his problems that he was having are nothing compared to the problems other celebrities are having now and they’re still famous but back in the 90s it was a big deal right and this role saved him it saved his career and it made him sherlock it made him for better worst dr doolittle it made him who he is now which is a household name that everybody loves yeah and it’s just it’s inspiring all the cats all the casting is great and inspired because it’s so perfect but his is the one that is inspiring because it it changed his life yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s impressive yeah i’m glad we agree though because you’re right he should be number one yeah but as you were saying that i i don’t mean to take us off topic but just real quick are we do we have a episode planned where actors we hope to see in the mcu or wish we would see in the mcu i think so i think there’s a fan cat i’d have to look at our list but i’m pretty sure there’s a all right well if there isn’t one we’ll add that in somewhere yeah yeah i think it’s not for quite a ways down but it can always change yeah we can move it up if we want later all right well let’s go with some honorable mentions i have two you said you only had one yeah that was almost your number one it’s that’s a strange way to throw i don’t think you know how horrible mentions work i know it it would take way too much to do the kind of tomfoolery i was thinking i suppose he could have kicked off bradley cooper but given that we were more or less sticking with movies that should tell you what my my own honorable mention was that i didn’t think of before well since i have two i’ll go first and then the third we’ll see i don’t know if it’s i don’t think it’s the same person okay uh so the first one i have on here is haley atwell she’s one of my my honorable mentions so because she’s peggy carter i mean and she she turned that small role in in uh the first avenger into a tv series yeah and it repeat cameos in in multiple captain america and avengers movies and it’s because they could have just recast her and had someone else but but haley is peggy carter yeah and and that’s one of the reasons that she’s on my honorable mentions yeah i mean it’s it’s as close to a phil coulson kind of role as you can get without being phil colson because yeah yeah i mean she it only lasted two seasons unfortunately but she got her own show she got her own one shot i mean [Music] she she is great even though you know she hasn’t had much lately it’s it’d be nice to keep seeing her for sure yeah for sure mine that was almost number one because i completely forgot about him and loved him so much uh mr charlie cox yes as you were as you were talking i was remembering i was thinking before you started talking i was thinking john bernthoff because that’s mine oh john bernthal is the punisher yes he’s the punisher man mm-hmm he’s perfect for that role but no yeah that’s gonna totally make sense for you uh it’s it’s another one of those chadwick bozeman things the second he started talking in daredevil season one episode one in that confessional i was like that guy is daredevil the the sound of his voice the style of him the look of him the fact that he’s hopefully going to be in spider-man 3 like he’s just he’s daredevil he’s everything i was hoping daredevil would be yeah without the cool suit and and things that i would like him to have one day all right fair all right yeah as soon as you started going into saying the name i was like daredevil duh why how could i not have thought of that because i going to say john bernthal with you but then you were talking like no he’s not going to say john prince he’s not he should but he’s not i i agree he’s he’s great too we definitely need to do a casting of non-movies i guess but it’d be like three or four people that’s fine we’ll do it yeah because he was going to make my list so that i don’t know we’re just doing movies all right uh my other honorable mention and i i’m gonna say it’s yours as well samuel jackson i mean he he brought everything together i’m i’m i’m gonna say he brought everything together as nick fury but i mean he is knicker and like you mentioned in i think it was last episode where nick fury in the comics was based off of him in the ultimate and yeah so i mean how could he not be the perfect casting for nick fury yeah yeah so there you go both of our honorable mentions i’m including you in this now thank you you’re welcome yeah it’s hard it’s one of those you almost take for granted because again it’s it’s a bit of a robert downey jr situation where he in some movies he is just samuel jackson fair but in other movies like winter soldier he is very much nick fury yes and it’s like yeah this is to think of anyone else as nick fury for those of us that can remember whether we want to david hasselhoff’s uh fury movie yeah i can’t think of anyone else that would have that kind of presence and i think it’s yeah he adds that shock value because everyone knows who he is oh everybody loves him in one way or another whether it’s through tarantino or you know just being in so many other movies as soon as you see that scene at the end of the first iron man you immediately get the joy of oh my god samuel jackson but as a marvel fan you go oh my god it’s nick fury oh my god he’s you know announcing the avengers and my head explodes so eight times yes eight times all right well that was a fun one i i liked that one we got to do our top ten um yeah i think you’re right we should do a in a non-moving one yeah i guess i think it’ll be a top five because there aren’t quite as many inspired castings yes the tv verse unfortunately but now that we have disney plus yeah that good change there you go that widens things doesn’t it mr loophole right there it’ll be nice once things like miss marvel and iron heart start coming out and we get some new new characters and new actors and actresses in these cool roles right so we might have to push that one back a little bit to give what we just did plus time to catch up yeah well yeah of course yeah all right well uh that is our episode um top 10 castings a little short but sweet hope you enjoy it yeah i don’t know i think it ended up being about close to an hour i think that’s not bad at all yeah yeah and we’re gonna just keep talking and stretch that out to a full hour well we have some other things to cover first most importantly uh your next episode which for those of us playing along should be able to guess it is our next movie yes which is man the incredible hulk um yeah i’ll be taking charge on that one um it’ll be in a similar fashion to how our iron man was with a little little history fun facts that sort of stuff and then we’ll talk about it um but we won’t we won’t try we’ll try not to delve too deep into it just so it’s not a well here’s the first scene and then this happens and then this happens and it’s like a highlight we’ll break it up yeah so we’re gonna do that and uh i’m a little nervous but uh because justin’s had some practice with this on his other podcast this will be my first time doing it but uh i’m sure you guys will bear with us i’ll be your safety net ah i need it yeah that’ll be a fun one um and as we’ve mentioned previously we’re going to be doing we’re shooting for three episodes a month um kind of the big episode will be a movie and then kind of two non-movie related topics right and we might throw in a fourth one every once in a while yeah uh but we’ll see how yeah but definitely we appreciate we appreciate you guys listening in on these um if you guys have any ideas definitely let us know it might already be on our list but maybe you’ll you’ll spark something that that has us think of something else yeah i mean our movies are fairly set but uh the the random episodes can be switched around pretty much whatever the hell we want so yeah if you haven’t yeah if you want to email us uh we have our email we are marvel pod gmail.com we’re on facebook facebook.com we are marvel pod we actually have a twitter i don’t have any followers yet we haven’t really done much with it um but again i think it is we are marvel pod i tried to do we are marvel pod for everything just to make it easy for me to remember sure at the end of this this episodes um yeah definitely reach out to us and and let’s interact i’m excited to interact with our listeners yeah yeah so that it that we got i think so until next time i’ve been justin i’ve been jeremy and we will catch you next time on we are marvel bye