[Music] hello and welcome to we are marvel the marvel focused podcast my name is jeremy my name is justin uh thanks you guys uh for joining us yeah as you probably saw from the title this is uh gonna be phase one trailers i’m glad we decided to split this up and do a phase at a time because i can barely we just watched these videos and i barely remember them already so do it yeah all 20 something of them there’s no way no and it wouldn’t even been hard for anyone listening to just even keep up and yeah it just and then to rank did we rank them because i ranked them yeah i did okay i figured you would always do whether i should or not i always do i can’t help myself maybe i just i don’t know if we talked about that before maybe i just new well he’ll rank them i might as well rank them but yeah to be able to rank all of those oh man i mean it’s hard enough for just the six but to do yeah like 20 some oh yeah yeah well that’s what’s nice again we just re-watch these to get them a little fresher in our minds but i it makes me just want to watch the movies again and i think what’s cool for me anyway for phase one is everything was so new and exciting we didn’t know what was happening like we knew what was coming out but we didn’t know how it was going to turn out now you watch a marvel trailer and it’s like oh another good movie that’s great but back then we didn’t know any one of them could have been terrible oh yeah because because they were they were there they were terrible comic book movies i mean we were right off the heels uh ghost rider spider-man 3 fantastic four yeah fantastic four they were still fun yeah but they it they just once they started it was a whole new level it was like everything changed yeah it just yeah it was awesome and it was nice watching these again and kind of reminiscing like i remember that i remember just how much this all changed little did we know back then what all was was coming and what surprised me just rewatching them now is how much they buried the lead on the first appearance of these characters i thought were not quite as much but like iron man and hulk i was like what is this movie about again oh that’s right yeah yeah if you didn’t know yeah it’s like what what is this why is this why do we care about this this business guy yeah it’s it’s it’s definitely changed a lot since then but i’m excited to uh to talk about these and you’re right i’m i was excited to watch them all but i remember i was like we’ll get there i i i mean i’ll watch them in the interim anyway but right but i’m gonna try and pace it out and and and not watch them all right away but yeah i wanted to do all right so let’s jump into this yeah chances are um these non-movie episodes are going to be a little lighter a little shorter and we talked about in the first episode only doing uh two episodes a month the way it’s going to work now is we’re going to probably end up doing three episodes a month yeah because these ones are so short we’re going to do them back to back and then release them a week apart uh so three things of your marvel buck a month maybe more but we’ll see i got other shows to do yeah yeah that is true yeah we did talk about maybe tossing in a fourth one during a month but we’ll see we don’t want to promise anything but yeah but we’re pretty confident we can squeeze in three a month yeah so all right now without much further ado what is your number six my number six is the incredible hulk i could see that not yours okay not quite i’m close not quite fair enough um yeah i mean none of them were really bad this one just i i if i wanted to go back and watch any of these six movies that would have been the last one that i’d go back and watch and that’s kind of i think how i kind of rank these and and how excited i was for it um so that’s kind of where it where why it’s in its sixth place spot for me yeah i mean this the cgi wasn’t the best at the time sure i mean then that’s but it’s so much better than it was back in 2003 with angelis hall yeah so much better i was gonna say something i don’t remember uh my number six is iron man really yeah i was i was kind of surprised but yeah there was there was a lot of dialogue and scenes in the trailer that aren’t in the movie and that’s something that bugs me that was so that’s something that comes up a lot in my list yeah and it still ended up spoiling the reveal that obadiah stain is our villain yeah i did see that and i was wondering when i saw that i was like i don’t remember if i knew that going into this movie or not and if i did i wish i didn’t because it’s an interesting twist yeah and i kind of wish they had found a way and they’ve done much worse and much better uh over the last several years i mean now they’ll digitally add and remove things from trailers to hide stuff yeah um back then i mean this was still through paramount so it was just kind of shove it all in there but i mean again like if i didn’t know this was iron man before watching the trailer i would have no idea until like two-thirds into the trailer fair enough we’re pretty far off on on that one i’ll just say that for now all right you’re number five though my number five is thor we’re like i am just this close all right such an outlier it’s uh throwing off our whole rhythm here yeah that that turned me off i wasn’t expecting you to say man um yeah so yeah my number five store it’s i know i love thor now like he is he’s i think he’s probably my favorite character now but if we’re going off of these trailers yeah if we’re going off of these trailers it he just i know it’s it’s the look with the long hair and i don’t know if he’s if it looks like he’s shaped his face differently because his face looks different well there’s no eyebrows too maybe that’s what it is that that always bugs me doing the re-watch of phase one is that they blonded up his eyebrows it does yeah just the whole almost looks like a more rounded face and now he’s got that like chiseled face and not blonde eyebrows yeah well yes uh so it was that and it just i think that’s really it because the whole story behind it the whole um he’s a god he’s a god he’s from asgard it’s this place that we’ve never seen before it’s not based on well it’s somewhat based on earth half of it’s about half of the movie yes but it was still we go somewhere else aside from earth and that’s i mean that’s exciting but it’s just i think it goes down to my top four are just more exciting for me as far as the trailers but that’s fair yeah thanks so much number five my number five is incredible hulk i have a feel like i said they have a feeling that for the most part we’re gonna be like right next to each other that’s fair uh i’m a horror fan i’ll do my shameless plug pod and gore available wherever you listen to podcasts um so let me see i’ll edit that out got my timestamp i would no no it’s you’re right it’s it’s it’s a good show i’ve listened to a couple episodes soon because i’m not a big horror fan but it is it’s a good show i enjoy it as you were saying you know again it does reveal the turn of blonsky becoming abomination which i’m not super crazy about but you know there’s only so much they can do they have to show the cool stuff uh i just i like the vibe of it it felt very uh bixby ferrigno hulk era the there’s scenes in it that aren’t in the movie again which still bugs me especially with this one i think because that opening with him talking to samson is so cool that whole speech and them kind of playing off each other is so great i wish that was in the movie yeah instead they barely even talk yeah i i was gonna say i don’t remember this in the movie but it has been a while yeah maybe that’s why i didn’t remember okay it’s not even but it’s not in so one other thing i noticed just watching it right now did you catch the scene in the snow it’s like a blink and you miss a shot of him walking in the snow no i don’t uh maybe so that’s a deleted scene from an in-credit scene with him going to the arctic to kill himself which is referenced in avengers and in that scene in the deleted scene it’s on the dvd yeah he tries to kill himself can’t turns into hulk and smashes up the ice and as the ice is flying towards the camera you see cap’s shield okay that’s pretty awesome yeah i mean it’s an awesome scene it’s super dark and cool but it’s not in the movie so you know right reveal of how they found cap and all that stuff is completely different yeah but that’s still that is a cool scene yeah one thing that kind of amused me was like towards the beginning of the trailer he says i don’t want to control it i want to get rid of it and then like towards the end of the it’s like i want to control it okay well come on so what do you really want to do yeah what are you going to say next question a lot of these like the first iron man trailer um had a line from the tag scene of tony calling out to jarvis and right after that is when nick fury shows up spoilers and then in hulk there’s a scene of him with his beard meditating in the woods which is from the end of the movie too okay and i think in a second trailer they actually show the tag scene with tony as like the opening to the trailer well they wanted to sell that these are connected you know that’s the same universe and it’s the same you know and hulk ended up doing worse than iron man yeah so which is weird i don’t i don’t know maybe maybe people were still kind of sour off of a angley’s and iron man was just new and i i love incredible hulk i mean not to go we’ll talk about that soon-ish anyway but like i really love that movie it’s just such an outlier in the world of the mcu it’s not even paramount it’s universal because they own the rights yeah but we’ll get into that in a couple weeks yes well yeah we’ll get into that on its own episode it deserves its own episode yes it does all right number four iron man 2. okay not the same [Laughter] good enough close enough i’m interested to see where iron man is which throws our entire like if i had put iron man where yours is it would have been the exact same yeah yeah you should have because mine’s yeah you’ll see where mine is when we get to it um but iron man 2. um i don’t remember a lot of this trailer being that exciting this first one um i think the other trailers were probably had showed a little more it was a little more exciting but i mean it still look it looked like a fun movie it was we knew who iron man was now um so we didn’t have to introduce a lot of him um and we didn’t see a lot of uh was it justin hammer no yeah is it justin yeah you’re justin yeah what wait a minute um see i thought that was a little weird that we didn’t see a lot of him i mean he wasn’t huge in the movie but he was kind of is a big part of the the yeah i mean they really just show them in the one like him walking down that corridor that’s pretty much it and that’s that’s really it um was cool seeing mickey rourke i i sometimes forget that mickey rourke was in marvel and i don’t know the accent’s still kind of weird but it’s it’s still it’s it’s a fun looking trailer um yeah it’s just the top three that i have they’re just they’re the trailers are so much better i got i’m so much so much more excited for those movies than iron man 2. well i have a feeling i have a very good idea of what your top three are going to be i’m interested to see what order they’re in okay because of course you know what they are yeah the three that are left sure sure technicality of course my number four is four four for thor okay all right i like the colson intro he’s an established character by now and so we kind of get that clue of okay this is mcu obviously right and that way the the build-up of who thor is and what he’s all about doesn’t bug me as much okay and i don’t know it just the the reveal of asgard and seeing something different everything we had seen up to that point was very earth-based it was very science-based and this was our first foray into mysticism and crazy magic hammers and wacky stuff and this was the one i think i was the most worried about in phase one yeah because you know iron man worked i liked hulk iron man two you know i like the first one i like the second one even though it’s not you know ends up not being as good but this was like and i was already a cap fan obviously obviously but it’s like are they gonna be able to pull this off this to me was like guardians in phase two where it was like okay if they can do this they’re on a good footing to getting us okay into avengers okay okay because it’s the most wacky you know yeah gods and magic hammers and asgard and rainbow bridges and [Music] right so what you’re saying is is is if we can have this crazy ideas of sort of like if those if these work then there’s nothing stopping stopping us to getting into avengers yeah because i mean this is going to be a short episode so i can wax on poetically for a while back when we were kids and i think i said this the first episode or second the idea of a superhero team up was just unheard of oh yeah it just didn’t happen i mean we got superman references in the batman movies there were rumors that thomas jane was in the background of spider-man 2 but you know that’s debatable still you know everything was owned by different companies this just didn’t happen and phase one was the risky part you know you have to get to avengers and every step kind of has to work in order for it to work warner brothers so first jab won’t be the last no when it worked it was like it was kind of a breath of relief you know it’s like i i felt like especially in the early days if something doesn’t work maybe they’ll call this off and it won’t happen or when it happens it’ll be like okay that was fun and now we’re done okay but thor working it was like okay this and the more i watch thor the more i love thor but no i don’t know if you remember now but but just watching the trailer did you feel like it was going to work did you feel like okay yeah this works this makes sense so far like this isn’t too out there yeah i think so it’s hard to remember that long ago but right i think the biggest thing and i think it’s something that you might knock it for now but taking it to earth and using coulson i said it in the iron man episode shield is the smartest thing the mcu did because it gave you that connect the dots to make the whole picture work so much better right yeah i mean you’re right it’s i don’t know how else i would have done it aside from [Music] some far-fetched stuff and oh they knew about each other we just didn’t show you how they knew about each other and their stuff yeah or some threat that just happened to happen while they were all in the same general area right yeah i mean in the right way in the original comics um their their first issue of the avengers they fight loki and he uses a radio transmission to trick thor into fighting hulk who he’s you know mysticized and sent on a rampage but other heroes intercept the transmission and go to help and stop hulk and then when they realize hulk’s a good guy then they turn and fight loki okay wait a minute he’s a good guy i don’t know all right interesting yeah yeah all right though that bringing shield in was was uh a very smart thing to do because yeah it connects everything yeah oh and then coulson is such i’m forgetting that clark greg is such so great yeah i mean we talked about it in the iron man episode that he was so good they just used him more and then he became the staple of phase one yeah that’s just insane it is it’s awesome so you’re never all right number three captain america the first avenger sad we are this is great from there so close close if i hadn’t dumped on iron man one i know i which you’ll see obviously mine it’s either one or two so you’ll see where it is when we get when i get to it but um it just i honestly i think it’s the music for that one but i’ll get to it but first of all captain america this one i i i just i’m i’m still blown away about how they they did the whole body double with um i can’t think of his name now chris evans evans yes i remember chris remember the last name there’s too many of them where with christine’s face on there like it’s just it looks so natural and it’s i think that’s probably what blows me away the most is that that i was just so curious like how did he get that small and skinny like how was this this doesn’t make sense yeah what kind of camera tricks or stuff like that do they do and then and going back and he’s the first avenger and this is how it really almost started in in that whole story it was i it’s just it’s awesome i’m it’s it’s a great movie but when i was just judging off of the trailers that’s why i had to knock it down to number three that’s fair yeah i mean you’re never gonna have to sell captain america to me if i haven’t said it before i’ll say it now i have a tattoo of caps shield uh you’ve had it before all these right yeah i got it right as it was starting okay because when when iron man came out that nick fury cameo blew my mind so much that i just dove deep into avengers and i read the ultimates okay which if you haven’t read it do it it’s great um it essentially is a lot of what the mcu is based on kind of a little more realistic nick fury is actually based off of samuel l jackson yeah it is him which is why he was cast in the first place right and shield forming the avengers and a lot of that stuff is from that book and i just i fell in love with cap and yeah you know it just ballooned from there and i got the tattoo and it was actually around the time of dark night 2008 because i was actually going to get a batman tattoo and then didn’t oh wow yeah what what a different world we would be living in i don’t know if the stars would have been completely different yeah we’d be doing a much worse podcast we can talk about the dark knight trilogy over and over again yeah i’ll let’s do it maybe number three my number three is iron man 2. okay it’s so much better than the actual movie is like and i like iron man 2. i think i’ve seen it a bit too much on fx to the point where it’s kind of my lesser of the six okay but and i know a lot of it is uh reactionary to the dark knight you know they tried to make vanko the joker of the story and i’m gonna tear your world down and the creepy voice over but in the trailer it just works so well yeah i love mickey rourke if you haven’t watched the wrestler go watch the wrestler it’s awesome yeah isn’t that good yeah you haven’t watched it i don’t know i have not oh i’m not like a huge mickey rourke booster but that movie it came out around the same time as iron man 2 because this was like his resurgence after all of his you know problems he was having yeah it’s fantastic and i don’t know his voice the style i’m not as hard up on the uh or you know down on the accent as you are i do wish they had shown more of justin hammer because he’s become more of a staple of the mcu than vanco because he died yeah but there’s really nothing that is spoiled and for some reason i was on a big spoiler kick when i made this list a couple weeks ago yeah i guess um there’s nothing that you watch this and go oh i know exactly how this movie’s gonna turn out and there are scenes that are not in the movie like hit pepper kissing the helmet yeah cause i remember that yeah but it’s yeah it’s not in the movie yeah and well that whole opening scene is completely different i think in the original opening he throws up on the plane because he’s sick from the poisoning of the whatever okay um but yeah none of that is in there but i don’t know i just the race it reminds me of the cool racetrack scene which is arguably the best part of that movie um i don’t know it it fills me with a hope and dread of how cool this movie should have been right was just shy of okay that’s fair and yeah we again we’re just judging these on the trailers not the movies right i i tried at least all right so my number two right yeah okay my number two is iron man hey we’re gonna have one that’s the same maybe yay which i’m i’m still just confused how you got it down to number six but that’s okay everyone has different opinions some of us are you’re wrong and you’re stupid but i get it exactly were you going to say something probably but yeah escape me go ahead okay um i think one of the the biggest thing was this was just so exciting because it’s the it’s the first movie and like we said before this just changed everything and the music was just so good in this trailer that’s a big thing i like about trailers is is the music and the and they don’t always make it into the movies but these three i think there’s maybe three songs and this one and they were all just great like they’re they’re pumped up songs like they get you excited at least for me are you excited for things and and i just love the way they they fit in and they’d pause at certain points and and it’s just it fit the trailer so well and and yet you’re right it did spoil the the um obadiah stain kind of spoiler but again i don’t remember it spoiling it for me probably because i didn’t know enough at the time sure i just i probably just didn’t even think about it um i it would have been better if that wasn’t in there kind of looking back but i think the big thing about this was was the music and just the excitement behind it that this is this is different than anything we’ve had before like and it looks so real like again the realisticness of iron man flying around like he really looks like he’s out there flying around it’s not just cgi it’s it’s really they somehow got probably a robot there’s probably not a real person in there but they got a robot to fly around and this is real it’s it’s not but it’s just it looks like it and it’s that kind of cgi in the way that they were able to use it just it made it changed everything yeah made it made the movie so much better well that’s i mean that’s my reaction when i saw the movie but and something i didn’t really say is when i saw the trailer for this movie originally i wasn’t that optimistic oh really because i remember i mean again we were in the time of foxtastic four and spider-man three which was terrible and all this stuff and i was like really you’re doing iron man yeah i mean the most excited i was was surprisingly at the time terence howard who was coming off grash and all these other great movies and now he’s my least favorite part of the movie that’s fair so your kind of thing was you were you were worried that this is what they’re starting with to to to to go and and you’re worried that it’s not going to be as good as well i didn’t even realize that’s what i mean at the time when this happened we didn’t know there was going to be an avengers i didn’t yeah and to me it was just another comic book movie in the line of dozens of comic book movies we were getting in the early 2000s okay and you know we had had affleck’s daredevil and you know all these other random characters now just like okay sure what’s iron man fine why not right yeah like don’t just add it to the pile and i’ll watch and it’ll be fine and they’ll maybe do a sequel and it won’t go anywhere and then whatever yeah and that then some other movie will start up and okay yeah but you’re right because because at the time yeah we had no idea yeah that this is the beginning of what it was the beginning of and i think that’s what hooked me because i mean again i watched this movie in theaters eight times it’s not an exaggeration i can show you the stubs eight times i went to the theater i believe this movie so i mean i was converted immediately right but at the time i was like yeah this is going nowhere and is it it’s the singer right that’s what did it do do you feel like if it wasn’t for that you would have still just thought that was a fun movie the sequel will probably come out but that’s as far as it’ll go i don’t know i one of the things that sold me was the armor looked so good we were just a year shy or year past transformers which look great movies suck but whatever but the mechanics of the armor and everything coming together looked so good and that shot you know i waxed on when we did the episode of uh when he’s in gomer for the first time in the mark iii and how good that looked yeah definitely the i the idea of the avengers coming hooked me that’s why we’re doing this show that’s why i’m doing this show if there wasn’t a marvel cinematic universe that came from this movie it’d still probably be one of my favorites but yeah it wouldn’t be my life like it is now that’s fair wow so that was it 30 seconds 45 seconds maybe just changed everything yeah awesome nice well done all right you’re number two uh goes almost without saying captain america yes i was already a fan of the character read the ultimate started reading the brubacher run which is great do you have a tattoo by any chance uh i i’m thinking about it i’m still thinking about it one day i will i think on my right arm i think is what i’m where that’ll happen perfect well i mean the quote well no actually the quote is actually from lost unfortunately but the the reading brubaker’s run on cap after reading the ultimates like i was just sold all right and [Music] yeah i just they they captured the feel of it they had joe johnson who did the rocketeer to really kind of sell that world war ii uh style i’ve always been a sucker for world war ii stories for some reason yeah they’ve just always interested me and i like that the red skull reveal was minimal it was it was very small yeah and for someone like me no clue probably i don’t even know if i noticed it yeah it’s kind of like in uh it’s better in age of ultron surprisingly when they do vision because all you see is his eyes opening okay that’s all you see a vision in the first trailer right and it’s one of those because the presence of red skull is so cool and hugo weaving even though he’s kind of chat on marvel over the last you know 10 plus years aside he does such a great job and just get just that tiny glimpse and it’s even profile like i don’t think you even get full face in there it’s just so good yeah yeah that was one thing i guess that’s probably why it’s so high on your list is because of the spoiler factor yeah which is good yeah yeah because it was it was very minimal and looking back i was i you know as you’re watching it you can see that he goes to reach for the i guess the mask and to rip it off and i was wondering as you know quickly thinking do they show and they do just barely show like half a second if that i’ve just read and and for those that know red skull that had to just be like oh my god that’s red school but for for someone that doesn’t know i don’t even remember if i noticed it or not but yeah it did i mean just i think you’re right i feel the same way with the whole world war two movies i i’m a big fan of those they’re they’re good and it was fun moving man well yeah and then we’ll wax on you know big time when it actually comes up i think it’s one of mine so it’ll be tons of fun but um i think for me especially by that time i was a fan of gap and so i was worried about it in the sense that i hope they get it right because i’m a new fan to this character yeah and seeing the trailer was like i think they did it obviously i can’t know for sure because we’ve had misleading trailers before things look great in a trailer and then they turn out to be you know whatever but yeah they turn out to be x-men 3. but it looked so spot-on right yeah and if you have the blu-ray of cap watch the featurettes of how they did the transformation and the body double and stuff because it’s crazy i mean yeah basically they had to use a different trick for every single shot and [Music] obviously we’ll go into it when we do the movie but yeah nine times yeah that’s awesome so all right so our number one is obviously this is all that’s left [Laughter] i don’t know how you would do i’m trying to think of how could he throw a curveball we only had six we all listed all of them like there’s actually a secret movie that was never released and the trailer only showed up once if you didn’t catch it in the midnight release you were out of luck yeah so yeah avengers it it’s i mean it’s the trailer that brought everyone together all these cool movies that we’ve seen with all these little after credits scenes that kind of show you how they’re connected and stuff like that and if they’re they’re finally all together like it’s actually happening well it’s the thing that we’ve always wanted to happen where these great characters from different comic movies actually actually come together in one movie and it’s actually happening and it’s just i’m even now i’m like i’m getting excited like it’s just it’s mind-blowing that it happened and it worked and it happens more than once and it’s just so cool this is four times you know not to mention other you know civil wars and whatnot yeah and it’s just just watching the trailer again was it’s awesome i it’s still mind-blowing that the in there it’s not like they’re just these small actors too like oh well you know they don’t have much else going on but they’re huge actors and especially about this team together yeah and they all came together to do one movie like it’s just it’s it’s so cool because sometimes you think you see this these movies are yeah we couldn’t get this person because they’re doing another movie and stuff like that and to get this many people all together for one movie is at the time unheard of yeah and i mean obviously we had the edward norton of it all right yeah dude i like edward norton but what an idiot um yeah i mean it is it’s just it’s the culmination it’s that we’ve been hoping and waiting for so long and the loki voice over was great and creepy you don’t see a single chatari any threat of anything you see loki obviously but you have no idea what else could be coming yeah they almost tee it up so that hulk it looks like the bad guy said really well i mean if you look at it i mean the only shot of hulk we see is him roaring at the camera which is awesome because you know kind of hiding what the hulk’s gonna look like from now on yes was awesome and we only had the first appearance of ruffalo but i mean i guess they don’t tee it up super like oh it’s gonna be him right right right but that was one of the theories going around on the you know superherohype.com and all those fun message boards was is it going to stick to the comics and are the offenders going to come together to fight hulk right that hulk uh stinger showed tony going to general ross and saying well what if i told you we were putting a team together to deal with this problem you have so i was like it was kind of teed up yeah and obviously it didn’t end up that way at all they kind of shoehorned in a one shot which we’ll talk about in a future episode i’m sure yeah where they kind of dismissed that after credit scene like it didn’t really happen it wasn’t important at all but just forget that one yeah it happened sure but it was it was a joke it’s fine right but yeah i mean i’m i i think you are probably right i mean it makes sense to kind of make people think that that’s where it’s coming like you said that’s that’s where it was with the comics and so why not make it look that way to to those fans with the first trailer yeah yeah it’s one of those things i mean avengers just the first one just has such a special place in my heart because it has that wonder and that oh my god they’re all together for the first time and even now i watch it with this glee that you know some just don’t seem to understand because it is corny and it is a little you know tammy but that’s the fun of it i feel like it’s a good transition from the old way of doing comic book movies to the marvel way of doing comic book movies yeah where yeah it’s corny but we know it’s corny so we’re gonna tell you it’s corny therefore it won’t be corny yeah call ourselves out so you can’t do it and now you just agree with us and we’re on the same page you know yeah it’s amazing the sleight of hand they do now when they do something wacky like a vision and they go oh it’s just a robot that shoots lasers out of his eyes and he flies and roadie goes all right well i guess we’re doing that now yeah and then you buy then you move on that’s fine yeah you’re right they do do that and it works yeah like nothing nothing so far is like no that just that’s too far out there yeah and they’ve gone pretty far out there guardians but it all works yeah i remember when they first announced guardians i was like they’re doing what it’s phase two and they’re going where i’ve never heard of this team like yeah it’s it’s impressive it really is what they’ve been able to accomplish and it all started with these six trailers yeah and it also yeah and even though you rank one of them number it’s like ranking your kids and you all you know like all your kids uh it’s obviously yeah it’s it’s it’s tough because they’re all winners in my book i want to watch if i hadn’t just watched iron man i’d want to delve deep into all six again right now yeah no you’re right it was more of a uh it’s only in sixth because the other five were just a little better yeah not that the sixth one is bad right they’re just others are better which is good yeah i’m glad that there isn’t one in here that it’s like that movie was just terrible i mean iron man 2 is close to that but it’s not it’s it’s i think that movie gets more flack than it needs we’ll go out there yeah we’ll get there soon but we yeah once we watch it and kind of break it down we might be like okay yeah it deserves everything it’s getting but like i said we’ll get there yeah i don’t think it will but you never know all right so again that was our our list uh yeah let’s read my back off real quick so i had number six uh the incredible hulk number five thor number four iron man two number three captain america the first avenger number two iron man number one avengers uh my number six was iron man much to jeremy’s dismay uh number five was incredible hulk number four thor it rhymes uh number three iron man two number two uh captain america first avenger and number one the avengers so that’s it uh that’s our six ranked trailers for phase one i’m excited uh i’m really glad we decided to break up the phases because now we can do all three and you know maybe we can do a special netflix one maybe we can do a tv one and one day we’re going to have to talk about inhumans okay i’ll have to watch it i still too okay none of them really i watched the first two okay i think and i went yeah no yeah well we’ll see that’ll get there eventually that’ll be a couple years but we’ll get there eventually all right fair enough uh yeah like we said um these kind of in-between um movie episodes are gonna be a little on the shorter side this one actually won’t be too short it’s a longer than i expected uh a little over 40 minutes i think that’s not bad once it’s all done uh yeah yeah i was gonna suggest since uh we have a little time to kill but we have another episode to record uh talking our thoughts on wandavision but we might just save that until the season’s over i think that’s a good idea okay let’s do that all right okay all right well uh that’s gonna be it for this episode of phase one trailers ranked which leads us to uh my next pick our next episode which will come out a week after this which is our top 10 favorite casting this one is not phase based it’s the entire mcu throughout all phases all eras there’s one i don’t think i put on here that i wish i did but maybe i’ll shoehorn it in somewhere um i think i have a couple of honorable mentions so i don’t know if you want to maybe toss it in there or not i think i’ll go to that uh but until then go ahead and get us out of here and i have been justin be sure and check us out uh wherever you listen to podcasts we have a facebook group i don’t know the link off the top of my head uh we are marvel pod i think facebook.com we are marvel pod there you go uh and we want to do a quick shout out to the facebook group marvel universe uh for letting us self promote a little bit and help us get the word out there if you’re a fan please share like friend like us on the facebooks get the word out there we’d really appreciate it yeah absolutely yeah like you said um definitely go visit uh marvel universe and give them a like or follow and thank you guys for listening and we’ll catch you guys next week bye